Because older adults tend to spend a lot of time at home, that’s where the majority of injuries and accidents take place. Falls are the leading cause of injuries of all types for people over 65. But the good news is that most falls are preventable and you can make...
The health benefits of spending time in nature at any age are undisputed. For seniors, it can be even more important because they tend to be more confined or have difficulty navigating the outdoors on their own. You can help by finding ways for your loved one to get...
For aging seniors, staying active is key to physical, mental and social-emotional wellbeing. And, exercising the mind is just as important as maintaining physical fitness and strength. Luckily, there is no shortage of affordable, easy-to-find games and puzzles that...
You’ve probably heard the expression, “move it or lose it.” But seniors are less active now since the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, so it’s more important than ever to get moving at home. Exercise can help seniors improve strength, balance and mobility—all...
Good nutrition is one of the most important things that will keep your parent healthy and happy as they age. It can help your loved one maintain a healthy weight, stay energized and get the nutrients they need. It can also lower the risk of developing chronic health...